Monday, January 21, 2013

EC13 Reflections: Selah...

As I said in my prologue post, I have lots of processing to do from Emergence Christianity: A National Gathering. I'm an intuitive. I feel deeply immediately - I may not be able to communicate those feelings right away. So, while I've cautiously participated in some of the conversations surrounding EC13, for the most part I've just sat back and listened.

As I started writing my own posts, I realized I was getting quite wordy. Because of this, before I post anything else, I want to invite us all to listen to some of the hearts that have been affected by the ongoing conversation surrounding the role of women in the emergent conversation:

Stephanie Drury – Covert Misogyny

Rachel Held Evans – Grace for the Privileged too?

Marci Glass – Dear Phyllis…

Bo Sanders – Preferring the Past


In Life Together, Dietrich Bonhoeffer tells us "The first service that one owes to others in the fellowship consists in listening to them." If we can't start there, we have no where left to go. At the gathering, we all sat and listened. In a public, scattered conversation, our feedback loops are primarily public, online forums (facebook groups, blogs, and even the dreaded twitter). In this process, we have to heed the call to be slow to speak & quick to listen - to allow each other the space to process our reactions and our interactions. I find a lot of resonance (and even some dissonance) with the voices above. I would rather each of you listen to them and work out your own perspectives, rather than telling you how I think you should feel about them.


Rebekah said...

While I don't think you need to tell us how you think we should feel, I would love to hear your thoughts and feelings. :)

Rebekah said...

While I don't think you need to tell us how you think we should feel, I would love to hear your thoughts and feelings. :)

Kimberly said...

patience, grasshopper... I'm getting there!

Kimberly said...