Wednesday, October 29, 2008

small (slow) world

So I keep getting info on the Godspeed the Plough conference from different blogs and lists I subscribe to, and I would absolutely love to attend. Unfortunately, it is neither in the time nor monetary budget. Between Austria and Eureka Springs and the upcoming Great Emergence conference, I think I've done pretty darn well in the vacation planning this year, so I'm not complaining. And, honestly, moving toward a quiet life kind of precludes me running off after every whim that catches my heart (even good whims).

Even with events I can not attend in person, I'm always on the lookout for related resources - book recommendations, related blogs & websites, speaker materials, etc. I read the information on Godspeed the Plough's keynote speaker and was floored. He's from Central Arkansas! Sometimes I feel like such a loop outsider. Ragan Sutterfield writes for magazines such as Plenty, maintains a blog, and writes for the Ekklesia Project. Of course, the difference between my writing and his is that he actually puts his words into practice, and I'm currently still rambling. I'm such a proud Arkansan right now...

Speaking of the Great Emergence and redemptive agriculture, Submergent (which was an anabaptist gathering within the emergent conversation) has recently undergone a makeover and is now the Common Root. I am loving the new look and vibe of the site, and encourage you to check it out (click around on some of the blogs that are linked there for interesting and necessary discussions).

Speaking of roots, have I mentioned the Root here yet? The Root is a local cafe opening in the spring with a location to-be-determined. It plans to focus on local/slow food and offer community activities and a collective feel. In fact, you can be a part of making it happen by purchasing a "share" of the start-up costs. No, it's not a wall-street investment, but it is an investment in getting a sustainable business off of the ground... and they'll send you coupons!

In related news, I've settled on my Halloween costume:

(Jackson sold seperately)


Ramón said...

Ragan and I went to the same youth group. I wish I had had more of a clue back then...ah, the conversations we could be having had we stayed in touch!

Unknown said...

I am all for Root and want so badly for them to open here in NLR!!
Also, Sookie is a brilliant costume idea! Maybe you will find a Jackson, you never know...