Saturday, November 03, 2007

further adventures in procrastination...

4:30pm, Day 3

Word Count: 12,525

Day's Activities: blending an absolutely divine homemade smoothie; driving to car dealership to have window motor replaced; photographing items for sale in Bazaar and creating thorough inventory log; boxing up Bazaar supplies and loading them in car to take up to the church; creating and printing signs and feedback forms for Bazaar; cleaning bedroom, finally, after several out-of-town trips; taking mattresses off bed, lifting frame up onto risers, putting mattresses back on bed; rotating Spring/Summer clothes out of world's tiniest closet and rotating Autumn/Winter clothes in; pretending I can still do ballet on my now clean hardwood floor; finally hanging my latest muse... Scotti's painting; obligatory viewing of Stranger Than Fiction; reciting to myself good intentions of cleaning both the bathroom and the kitchen; watching the squirrels do the same thing they do every time I watch them; baking a breakfast casserole; spending quality time on Facebook, Blogger and YouTube, as evidenced below...


Unknown said...

the ballet thing tickled me. :O

Ines said...

LOVE the video-