Tuesday, January 08, 2008

just something I'm pondering is all...

Why is it that the same people who think the "war on poverty" is a lost cause seem to be the same ones who think we can somehow win the "war on terror"?

Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. ~Ezekial 16:49


Bonnie said...

i will leave my unrelated comment here since you can't get to facebook at work :) i would love to see you! what date is that? now that i don't work, i don't keep track of silly things like dates of major national holidays.
i know suzy & fam are coming down to visit feb. 15-17 .... is that the same time? hope not!
and btw...i feel like such a smo, but who is Ronnie? i read your blog, myspace, and facebook and still need some help...this is why we need to see each other!

Unknown said...

did you notice i used caps?

Anonymous said...

Not a lot to ponder, huh? Seems pretty dang obvious...


Anonymous said...

you choked me up with that one...I'm linking this post on my blog!

~m said...

is it obvious? i'm really wondering why...

Kimberly said...

ah, a confusion of "whys"...

"Why is it that they seem to be the same people...?"
(obvious: because many are)

"Why is it that they throw all of their resources into one and not the other?" (a mystery of the universe... or at least human nature...)

And then, there is the converse, perhaps of those of us who believe we can do something to alleviate hunger, but don't believe in bombing people. But, then, perhaps that is because we serve a Christ who fed people and turned the other cheek...