Friday, December 28, 2007

~ thank you for your patience ~

Do they make a drug for compulsive multi-taskers? As if Christmas were not enough this week, last night kicked off the joyous celebration of Molly and Joseph's wedding extravaganza, which will continue through to tomorrow evening (for the record, I nearly forgot the bridal luncheon this afternoon!). Right after work, I head to Hot Springs Village for the rehearsal dinner, followed by an entire Saturday of nuptial celebration. After the wedding, my focus turns to packing up the apartment, as we are moving into the new house on the 5th! One married couple, three single women and one baby all under one roof... plus all their stuff... that's a lot of moving to be done, my friends! I turned down my brother-in-law's literally award-winning bar-b-que and a lively viewing of the Razorback/Mizzou game on January 1st in liu of packing all my crap into boxes ~ my priorities are so skewed. In the meantime, I am trying to help a friend establish a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization. I made 44 pairs of earrings this weekend to put up on the Etsy site, the update of which will be delayed until mid-month. Oh, and then there's the little matter of my REAL job. All in a days work people. Move it along, nothing to see here.


Pearl Maple said...

Enjoyed stumbling into your blog today. So many funny posts and lovely photos. Thanks for sharing your view of the world.

Ramón said...

what friend is setting up a 501c3?

Cathy Miller said...

Hey!! Another Arkie blog!! Oh I am so happy to find you! I"m in Benton-we're next town neighbors!! I'd like to link yours to mine-blogs, that is? May I??

Ines said...

that picture is AWESOME! do they make a drug for compulsive pack-rats like me?

Anonymous said...

I have often thought that a Christmas wedding would be wonderful, but I keep thinking that the stress along with everything else that happens in the season would be too much for me!